Saturday, May 23, 2009

Alphabetical Food

Apple, Banana, Cookies, Dumplings, Eggs, Fish, Goat cheese, Hummus, Ice cream, Jelly, Ketchup..... but not like that, like this!

I got it here: Crooked Brains, and they got it here: Gugazine (or maybe here: Doise Dois). It's by Luiza Prado, an artist in Brazil, and is called "Eatphabet."

On her page you can see closeups of the various letters, too!

It certainly does remind me of Monkey Platters, which reminds me that this fall (maybe in November, date to be announced when I know it) there will be a three day happening for unschoolers with young children in Albuquerque (local/regional, not "big conference" at all) called The Monkeyplatter Festival.

And that reminds me of the January symposium in Santa Fe called SUSS.

1 comment:

Deborah in IL said...

I have a growing collection of Alphabet books. It's exciting to see the multitude of themes that can be explored within that structure. One of my favorites, The Butterfly Alphabet has lovely pictures of designs in butterfly wings taken by Kjell B. Sandved. You'll find a lot of other wonderful photos on his website, too.

Thinking about food pictures reminded me of Carl Warner's amazing Foodscapes Just go look, I tried but I can't describe them. :)

And playing with your food brings to mind Anna the Red, who enjoys making video game and anime inspired lunches for her boyfriend. Animal Orbs from Castle Crashers